Citibox is a tech-company who develops new high-technology services -both software and hardware- to revolutionize a multi-billion fast-paced market: the logistics industry.
Citibox aims to change the way online purchases are made and collected, simplifying a complex-process into a pretty straightforward experience for retailers, carriers and consumers. The first step is plain and simple: to transform conventional mailboxes into new smart boxes to deliver and pick up all online purchases at consumers' home; always on the first attempt without waits and therefore, saving both time and money.

In Citibox, I manage all digital products in charge of empowering and envisioning all the new technology for the whole logistic process that makes possible to pick a parcel up from a Citibox's locker by the Consumer: from the sale and the manufacturing, to the lockers installation, to the parcel delivery and the parcel pickup. For that alone, a mix of apps in several technologies simplify and give life to each part of the process for sellers, manufacturers, couriers and consumers.

In Citibox, I manage all digital products in charge of empowering and envisioning all the new technology for the whole logistic process that makes possible to pick a parcel up from a Citibox's locker by the Consumer: from the sale and the manufacturing, to the lockers installation, to the parcel delivery and the parcel pickup. For that alone, a mix of apps in several technologies simplify and give life to each part of the process for sellers, manufacturers, couriers and consumers.